Local Honey




Section I:

This organization shall be known as the Halifax County Beekeepers Association.

Section II:

The Halifax County Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization.


Section I:

The purpose of the Halifax County Beekeepers Association shall be to engage in any lawful activity, which will increase knowledge of and promote apiculture in the region surrounding Halifax, VA.

Section II:

The objectives of this organization are to promote and support:

A. an understanding of and solutions to the common apiculture problems of the Association members;

B. apiculture education and the use of more productive methods of beekeeping within the region;

C. the development of both the scientific and practical aspects of apiculture;

D. good relations with individuals, businesses and other organizations which share a common interest in apiculture;

E. activities to foster good relations between the regional beekeepers and the general public;

F. the use of honey and honeybee products.


Section I:

Any person interested in or actively engaged in beekeeping or the beekeeping industry is eligible for membership in the Halifax County Beekeepers Association.

Any individual or a family may join the Association by paying the corresponding membership fee.

Section II:

Each dues paying member will be entitled to one vote for each individual.


Section I:

The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Program director. The offices of the Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.

Section II:

All officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote, when a quorum of members is present at the December meeting. The officers will hold office for one year or until the successors are elected.

Section III:

The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or during the remainder of the President’s term if there is a vacancy in the position.

Section IV:

In the event that a vacancy occurs in the positions of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Program Director, the President shall appoint a member of the Association to serve in the respective office for the remainder of the term.

Section V:

Only voting members may serve as officers of the Association, as the Association’s delegates to other organizations, or as chairman of any select committees.


Section I:

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected or appointed officers of the Association. The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact business of an immediate nature on behalf of the Association when meetings are not in session. Additionally, all actions taken will be reported to the Association membership at the next scheduled meeting.

Section II:

A Nomination committee consisting of at least three members of the Association shall be appointed annually by the President. Members may serve more than one year. The Nomination Committee shall nominate and present a slate of officers at the December meeting each year. Other names may be submitted from the membership at the time of the election.

Section III:

Special committees may be appointed by the President at any time.


Section I:

Regular meetings shall be held on the second Friday of each month, beginning at 7:00 PM.

Section II:

The Constitution of Halifax County Beekeepers Association shall be followed in conducting meetings; however in areas that the Constitution does not apply, the meeting shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order except that the meeting shall open with an invocation.

Section III:

Notice of each meeting, special events, or workshops shall be delivered via Electronic mail or the USPS to each paid member of the Association prior to the date of the gathering.


Section I:

One-fourth of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular meeting. Three members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of committee business.


Section I:

When a quorum of members is present at a meeting, any Article or any Section of any article of the Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of all voting members present.


Section I:

Items not covered in the Constitution shall be provided for in the Bylaws.




Section I:

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall:

A. preside at all business meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee using regular parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order;

B. call special meetings of the Association with concurrence of the Executive Committee;

C. call all meetings of the Executive Committee;

D. appoint all standing and special committees as are deemed necessary to carry out the purpose and objectives of the Association unless specifically designated otherwise in the Constitution and Bylaws;

E. be authorized to make deposits and disburse all monies of the Association should the Treasurer be unable to perfom these duties;

F. perform all other duties commonly incident to the office and not contrary to the Constitution and Bylaws.

Section II:

The Vice President shall:

A. performs the duties of the President in his/her absence. Or upon the President’s request;

B. performs other duties as directed by the President.

Section III:

The Secretary shall:

C. record the minutes and proceedings of the Association at each membership and Executive committee meeting;

D. assist Officers of the Association as necessary in the performance of their duties;

E. preserve the minutes of each meeting, along with any other documents, records, correspondence, transactions, and other appropriate material of the Association.

Section IV:

The Treasurer shall:

A. maintain the financial records of the Association;

B. maintain an up-to-date list of paid memberships which shall be made available to the Executive Committee members upon request;

C. keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements of the Association;

D. receive membership dues and all other funds for the Association and make disbursements as appropriate;

E. deposit all funds of the Association in such bank or banks, savings institutions or other financial establishments as appropriate;

F. make necessary arrangements for the President to be authorized to make deposits and disbursements of the association if the Treasurer is unable to perform those duties;

G. present a monthly treasurer’s report to the membership at the regular monthly meeting;

H. perform all other duties commonly incident to this office;

I. shall not accept any invoice for payment in excess of $50.00 which has not previously been approved by the President;

J. all expenditures in excess of $100.00 shall be presented to the membership prior to said anticipated expenditures being disbursed.


Section I:

The annual dues for membership in this Association shall be set by the Executive Committee and submitted to the voting members for approval. Changes will become effective the following fiscal year.

Section II:

Annual dues are due at the beginning of the fiscal year, which is January 1 of a given year through December 31 of the same year.


Section I:

The Halifax County Beekeepers Association may associate itself with any regional or national Beekeeping Association by approval of the Executive Committee and subsequent approval by a majority vote of voting members when a quorum is present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Section II:

The Halifax County Beekeepers Association is affiliated with the Virginia State Beekeepers Association.


Section I:

When a quorum of members is present at a meeting any Article or any Section of the Article of the Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the voting members present. Proposed changes (in writing) must be submitted to the Executive Committee for their action. The Executive Committee will provide written notice and a copy of the proposed amendments to each member of the Association at least 30 days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting during which it would be voted on.


Section I:

In the event that the Halifax County Beekeepers Association is dissolved and ceases to exist, all property and monies of the Association left after payment of all debts shall be disbursed in such manner as the voting membership, prior to dissolution, shall decide.


Section I:

Upon acceptance by majority vote of the members at a meeting at which a quorum is present, this Constitution and Bylaws shall supersede all previous Constitutions and Bylaws.

Guidelines for Halifax County Beekeepers Association

Fair and Festival Booth Operation

All members of HALIFAX COUNTY BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION are encouraged to participate in the public outreach afforded the Association to share their enthusiasm for honey beekeeping by:

A. offering for sale locally produced honey and honey bee value-added products;

B. educating the public as opportunities arise;

C. representing the Association with such behavior so as to foster a positive reputation in the community;

D. volunteering to assist with the booth operation.

In accordance with the Virginia State Beekeepers’ Association, with which we are affiliated, all honey prices shall be set by a consortium of HALIFAX COUNTY BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION members, with a 10% commission to be given to the Association to offset the expenses associated with participation in the said fair or festival.

Sales of items other than honey shall have price points set by each individual with a 10% commission from those sales given to the Association also.

All honey products shall be properly labeled in accordance with the Virginia State food labeling laws.

The HALIFAX COUNTY BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION reserves the right to sell commercially produced honey /honeybee products in order to raise revenue for the organization.


Halifax County Beekeepers Association Website Administrator: